Joy in the Midst of Everything
Joy is the inner spiritual confidence that God’s grace is sufficient to see me through our earthly pilgrimage. There are plenty of trials and struggles in this life, but believers in Jesus can live with true joy by keeping our focus on His grace and eternity.
Click here to watch the sermon with ASL interpretation.
- What was one thing about this message that you found particularly compelling, encouraging, challenging, or beneficial?
- What is joy? What saps your joy? What gives you joy?
- Read and discuss 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. What stands out to you in these verses? What different comparisons is Paul making here?
- Why does Paul call our troubles “light and momentary” Where to you find yourself losing heart?
- What is an “eternal perspective”? How can we cultivate an eternal perspective? What are the benefits of understanding the temporal nature of life on this side of eternity? What does this have to do with joy?
- What is the relationship between joy and faith?
- How does the gospel both call us to joy and enable us to hold fast to it?
- How would you write this tagline for yourself? “The apostle Paul experienced joy in the midst of affliction and suffering. I am experiencing _______ in the midst of _________.” What adjustments do you need to make to head toward joy?