HOPE Ministry Haiti Trip
Early in October 2014, a small group of RBC ministry leaders took a short trip to Pignon, Haiti. Aaron and Abi Osborne (our Jr High youth pastor and his wife), Pat and Courtney Cassada (who coordinate RBC’S HOPE Ministry) and Pete Ferrara (one of our church elders) took a trip to see one of our supported missionaries, Pastor Francois, in Pignon, Haiti. Pastor Francois, a native of Pignon, runs both a church that he started about 30 years ago as well as an orphanage that houses over 40 orphaned (and functionally orphaned) children ranging from infancy to almost 20 years old. He’s hired mothers, teachers and more for these kids and clearly prioritizes their spiritual health as well as their physical health. They’d give our kids in Awana a run for their money in scripture memorization (or soccer, for that matter.) They were amazing kids with bright smiles and lots of love. The pictures we took don’t even do them justice. I believe so much of that is due to Pastor Francois. He is a man with a full trust in God’s provision and grace, and was an amazing blessing to be around. He repeatedly called Reston Bible Church his “sister church,” and fully believes we are united in the work of the Lord, who adopted us out of our sin and calls us His children by His grace.
We brought new sound equipment for his church, a lot of much-needed clothes, shoes, and less-needed (but still enjoyed!) candy and toys that were just treasured – all generously donated by RBC. Our agenda, however, was not the typical short-term missions agenda. In Pastor Francois’ terms, “We are in Haiti,” which roughly translates to “Who needs an agenda?!” We simply played with and loved on and prayed for his children and talked a great deal with Pastor Francois about how to best serve and enable his ministry. When it comes to these children and his community going forward, he wants our hearts in Pignon more than our checkbooks. There are a lot of needs there. But well beyond the great need is a greater trust that the God who calls Himself “the Father of the Fatherless” will provide in abundance.
– Courtney Cassada, HOPE Ministry
Please take some time to pray for the children in Pignon and for the work Pastor Francois is doing there for the sake of the gospel. Be on the lookout for upcoming opportunities at RBC to support the children of Pastor Francois’ orphanage.
Thank you for the update! We’ll be praying!