A Better Peace
The worship of God leads to the peace of God.
- What was one thing you found particularly interesting, insightful, helpful or difficult to understand from this Sunday?
- What are your favorite ways to worship the Lord?
- Read and discuss Philippians 4:4-9. What do these verses tell us about us? What do these verses tell us about God? What do they tell us about peace? About anxiety? About worship?
- What is peace? What brings you peace and peacefulness? How do we tend to equate understanding with peace?
- “The essence of anxiety, fear or worry is that we do not trust that God will take care of us.” Have you found this to be true? Why?
- What makes you anxious? How does anxiety keep us from worship? How does thankfulness combat anxiety?
- How does the worship of God lead to the peace of God? Do you have any examples of this from your life?
- How does God “match our stride” in the gospel? How does the gospel of Jesus show us that “the Lord is at hand”? Why does this matter?
- Why is it reasonable to reach out to the God who is near?
- Identify a specific point of anxiety that you are dealing with. Use Philippians 4:8 as a guide and spend some time in thankful prayer to God. Ask Him to lead your heart away from anxiety and toward peace as you worship Him through thankful prayer.