Stay the Course: Introduction
Stay the Course is a series of short videos that will address a variety of topics encouraging believers to “stay the course” as we walk joyfully with Jesus during difficult times.
Stay the Course is a series of short videos that will address a variety of topics encouraging believers to “stay the course” as we walk joyfully with Jesus during difficult times.
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Hi – thanks so much for doing these! Is this something that we can automatically receive either by email or to our news feed? Or, is this only something we can access once we log on to the website? Thanks so much for your teaching – it is blessing us even as we are currently living across the pond 🙂
Hi Janice,
These are published here on the blog every M, W, and F. You can also find them on our Facebook and YouTube pages. If you want to add them to your RSS/news feed, you can use the link