Doxologies: Who You Say I Am
We will be introducing a new song this Sunday called “Who You Say I Am.”
Please take some time this week to listen to the song, as well as Melody’s introduction.
Please take some time this week to listen to the song, as well as Melody’s introduction.
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Dear Evan brother and the praise team,
It is such a beautiful thing and this has happened many times and so this week, I was out of town on business Monday through Wednesday and everyday of this week including today, I was humming this song as I love this song because it reminds me that I who was once lost, I am found now and not only that I am a child of God set free by the only ONE who can set me free, my sweet Jesus Christ who is my Living Hope the song we sang last Sunday which was again a song I was humming all week last week.
God bless RBC praise team! I am encouraged and built up every Sunday as I worship my Lord and Savior with my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ as the RBC praise team leads us in worship.
I love listening to the songs before I come to church – preparing my heart for worship. Thanks for all of the work from your heart that you do in preparation each week. We are so blessed.