Sunday Rewind | 8.9.2015
Open Up Our Eyes (Ephesians 1:18-19a) – Nothing is Wasted by Elevation Worship
Unstoppable God (Luke 1:37) – Wake up the Wonder by Elevation Worship
In Your Presence (Deuteronomy 31:6) –Nothing is Wasted by Elevation Worship
Your Promises (2 Peter 1:3-4a) – Wake Up the Wonder by Elevation Worship
Great Things (Worth It All) (Galatians 6:14) –Wake Up the Wonder by Elevation Worship
TEACHING: The Patriarchs, Part 5: Isaac
The manipulation of man will never trump the sovereignty of God.
- What was one thing you found particularly interesting, insightful, helpful or difficult to understand from this sermon?
- How would you define the words “manipulation” and “sovereignty”?
- Read and discuss Genesis 27:1-36. Identify the main characters and their characteristics in this account. Who do you relate to the most, and why? What might we observe about our human nature through this account?
- “One deception leads to another – one lie leads to another.” How do you see this play out in the verses about? Have you seen this principle play out in your own life?
- How would you describe the tension between the sovereignty of God with the moral responsibility of man?
- Discuss the following statement: “Our five human senses are a blessing from God, but they are never the final determining factor in the moral realm.”Can you think of Scriptures that support this statement?
- Is there some situation or circumstance in your life or someone else’s that you are trying to manipulate? Why? How do you think it will turn out? What would it look like for you to trust God in that situation or circumstance?
- Spend some time in prayer for any situations mentioned in the previous question. Give thanks to God that He is completely trustworthy and pray that we would have the strength and faith to trust Him when we are tempted to manipulate.
I keep thinking about Mike’s message – it’s spurred me to think of other implications of ‘man’s manipulation.’
Sometimes ‘man’s manipulation’ isn’t just active willful deceitful pursuit. Sometimes it disguises itself so it looks like ‘godliness.’
For example, let’s say a believing family member chooses to pursue an unbiblical divorce. While the Bible is clear about what to do when a believer willfully pursues sin, perhaps some believing family members choose to ‘support’ her as she goes through a ‘difficult time’ so they can ‘be there for them.’ Or someone chooses to ‘look past’ a seasoned believer’s slander and gossip instead of confronting it as sin.
It may feel ‘loving,’ but it’s actually man’s manipulation and not following God’s sovereign plan. We may think we’re being ‘godly,’ but we may actually be being a Rebekah (“Believing family, this is the plan… we’re going to love them through this”) or a Jacob.
I heard one counselor refer to it as ‘idolatry of family’ when we elevate “but they’re family” over what God’s Word tells us to do.
Living out God’s sovereign plan is actually the most loving, godly thing we can do for everyone, including sinning believers. ‘Man’s manipulation’ may sometimes feel ‘godly,’ and it may sometimes be more passive than what Jacob did. But God’s plan is always the most loving, triumphant one.