TRAIL GUIDE: Takes One to Make One
The “Trail Guide” devotional is used by our adult leaders of grade school groups in Quest as a way to prepare their hearts and minds for the topics we will be covering with the children on the weekend. We have made them available here to help our parents of grade-schoolers engage with their children around the topics we are discussing and also for anyone else that might be blessed by following along.
EXTREME MAKEOVER, Unit 3, Section 4, Lesson 2: It Takes One to Make One
Before Jesus called us to make disciples, He called us to become His disciples. He says in Matthew 11:28-29, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” If I think back on my best teachers, I find a few commonalities. For one, they didn’t live in the theoretical world. They either had or were living what they taught. Practical, real world experience is critical. Otherwise we wouldn’t have the expression, “well at least that’s how it works in theory.”The other thing that set apart these exceptional teachers was their passion for the subject they taught. It was a passion born of their own commitment to pursuing knowledge and understanding of their area of expertise. And it didn’t end. For them it was a life-long quest.
How do these common characteristics of excellent teachers relate to making disciples? If we are not passionately committed to our relationship with Jesus Christ, if we are not daily taking up His yoke and learning from Him, then we will never be worthy disciple-makers. If we are not living out the commands of Christ in our own lives, our call to others to believe and follow our Lord will ring hollow. Even the youngest students can quickly see through the charade if you are simply teaching theory that has never been applied or stories about God without the passion that comes from a relationship with the King of kings.
So let us each be a disciple first and always, then let us also be gentle and humble in heart so that others might follow us as we follow Jesus.
“A disciple is someone who confesses Christ as Lord and Savior, believing that God has raised Him from the dead and declaring that belief publicly through baptism.” -
John MacArthur
Disciple – maqhteu/w (koine Greek) Transliterated – matheteuo
1. to be a disciple of one
a. to follow his precepts and instructions
2. to make a disciple
a. to teach, instruct
THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD IS OUR TEACHER. “He will teach you all things and bring all things to your memory.” – John 14:26
2 Tim 2:15 | Matt 11:28-29
Matt 8:21-22 | Matt 16:24
John 15:14-16 | Matt 23:27
Acts 23:3 | Mark 1:17 | Mark 8:34