2010 Ministry Year in Review
As we continue into 2011, I wanted to take a minute to reflect on some of what we saw God do here at Reston Bible Church in 2010. I do pray this will be an encouragement to you, and while we don’t want to focus too much on numbers, it can be helpful to quantify some of what we have observed in 2010.
- From January-July 2010, at the old campus, we received completed Visitor Cards from 145 guests.
- From August- December 2010, as we’ve been in the new facility, we have received completed Visitor Cards from over 300 guests.
- Since August 2010, at least 100 of the guests who have completed Visitor Cards have become regular attendees and involved in ministry at RBC.
- We have had 50 guests from our new surrounding neighborhood since we moved into this facility in August.
- Since August, we have added 333 regularly-attending adults to our database.
Host Team:
- Since the beginning of 2010, we have 100 new volunteers on the Host Team (almost 200% more volunteers than we had 12 months ago).
- Since August 2010, we have added 2 areas of service under the umbrella of the Host Team – the Parking Team and Coffee Ministry.
- Since August, our Welcome Desk Attendants give information to an average of 14 guests each weekend.
- In the old building, our Greeters were greeting and Ushers passing out bulletins to an average of 1650 people each weekend.
- In the new building, our Greeters have been greeting and Ushers passing out bulletins to an average of 2042 people each weekend.
- Our Coffee Attendants serve an average of 27 gallons of coffee each weekend – about 400 cups.
- Our Parking Attendants manage traffic for about 1050 vehicles each weekend – this is just our traffic alone (not including traffic for other businesses off Oakbrook Ct.)!
- During the transition of buildings, we have had volunteers serving more frequently. Some Ushers serve for up to 3-4 months straight to assist with the flow of people. We have two Parking Attendants who serve almost every week (and in all kinds of weather)!
- Our Children’s Ministry has jumped 31% in attendance since moving into our new facility – from an average of 231 children to 303 children each weekend. Our AWANA ministry has seen significant growth as well.
- Our Junior High Ministry has increased 69% since our move in August – from an average of 49 to 83 students attending each weekend.
- Our Senior High Ministry has increased 26% since the move in August – from an average of 75 to 95 students attending each weekend.
- Ladies Bible Studies have increased about 72% in the past year in attendance.
2010 was a dynamic year, and we are thankful for the blessing of seeing God work in significant ways. It is a joy to be a part of what God is doing here at Reston Bible Church!